Sidewalk Pro-Life Outreach

The Heart of Jesus Beats With Compassion For Pregnant Mothers and the Unborn

In 2014, LAMP initiated a new outreach on 149th St. in the South Bronx called “A LAMP for Life.” Two or more LAMP Missionaries prayerfully walk to this bustling street area, where an unmarked Planned Parenthood performs abortions. One stands quietly on the sidewalk, visibly but silently praying the rosary, while the other LAMP Missionary offers a resource brochure on where pregnant women can receive help, and seeks to begin conversations on the value of life. There are opportunities to direct women to get a free ultrasound or other support, and to pray with women and with men.  To any who have already suffered from an abortion experience, LAMP Missionaries offer words of mercy, encouraging the individual to contact groups that provide post-abortion healing.

LAMP for Life 1
“Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can give to others much more than their outward necessities; I can give them the look of love which they crave.” (Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict XVI)

LAMP’s approach is non-judgmental, caring, and prayerful. LAMP Missionaries seek to support pregnant women who think they have no choice but to abort their babies. Through prayer, compassionate listening and loving dialogue, many of these mothers choose to give their babies life.

A LAMP missionary (far right) hands out rosaries, encouraging each recipient to pray especially for vulnerable pregnant mothers and their unborn children.

94% of abortion centers are located in poor neighborhoods. The abortion industry draws on the vulnerabilities of the poor and their temptation to think that life has very little value. In always trying to find the poorest, the weakest, those frequently outside the reach of the Catholic Church, LAMP is making an effort to bring its mission of evangelization among the materially poor to those struggling with life issues.

A LAMP missionary (far left) spreads the culture of life – one person at a time.